Utilizing User Management

Utilizing User Management

User Roles & Permissions

User Profile information can be accessed by clicking My Profile option under your User Icon in the top ribbon. 

Information tab

  1. Update your First Name
  2. Update your Last Name
  3. Update your Profile Image
  4. Delete your account
  5. Enable/disable Multi-Factor Authentication

When adding users to the portal, they can be assigned with one of the following roles - Organization Admin and IT Admin. Once the organization has been converted to a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you will be able to add the following user roles - MSP Admin and MSP Technician. Below table lists the user permissions to access the sections in LDM portal. You can also view these user permissions under the User Management > Users section in the portal. Refer the Managed Organizations KB article to know more about converting your organization to MSP.

Security Tab

This tab provides the option to set Microsoft Two Step Verification and to reset it in case you change your phone.

Lenovo ID 

Lenovo ID is the secure and trusted mechanism providing authentication & identity management for Lenovo Client Remote Management. It offers single sign on as well as integration with other Lenovo solutions. Lenovo ID accounts can be freely created at https://passport.lenovo.com. It is not necessary to create the Lenovo ID accounts before. Users can be invited to join and create an account. Refer this KB article to understand the process of creating and managing a Lenovo ID.

View Organization Users

Manage users in your portal by navigating to User Management > Users page. On this page, you can:

  1. Invite users
  2. Delete users
  3. Group users
  4. Update users
  5. Perform bulk updates for users
  6. Export a list of users to CSV
  7. View User Status

Adding, Updating & Deleting Users in an Organization

Users can be invited individually or in bulk using a properly formatted CSV file. User accounts can also be updated or deleted when needed.

Inviting Users to the Organization

Users can be added to your organization by clicking User Management > Users > (Invite a User) from the left navigation menu. You can invite users individually, or in bulk by uploading a CSV file containing user details for each invitee.

Adding users individually (manually)

  1. In the Invite User screen, under the Manual Invite tab, enter the user First Name, Last Name, Email and select the User Role (IT Admin/Org Admin/MSP Admin/MSP Technician).
  2. Click on Invite.
  3. The invited user will receive an email invitation with a link to sign in and/or create a Lenovo ID account using the same email address. If a user loses their invitation email or does not receive the invitation email, you can resend the invitation by clicking on the user in the Users Table (from the User Info tray).

Adding users in bulk

  1. In the Invite User screen, select the Bulk Invite tab.
  2. Download the CSV template by clicking on "Download CSV template" button.
  3. Populate the CSV file with required info for each user - First Name, Last Name, Role and Email.
  4. Upload the CSV file and click on Verify. The CSV file will be processed and errors, if any, with the upload will be displayed in a feedback screen.
  5. You will receive an e-mail confirmation from the portal when the upload completes. If a user loses their invitation email or does not receive the invitation email, you can resend the invitation by clicking on the user in the Users Table (from the User Info tray).
User Agreements / Terms & Conditions Acceptance for New Users

When a new user logs in to LDM for the very first time, three user agreements will be presented:

  1. Lenovo Software as a Service Cloud Agreement
  2. Lenovo UDS Terms & Conditions (also available under User Account > Preferences)
  3. Lenovo Privacy Policy (also available under User Account > Preferences)

Every user must accept each agreement by selecting the checkbox before gaining access to the LDM portal.

Updating User Information

To manage user information, click on a user to open the user information tray. The following options are available:

User Info
  1. Update user’s information and contact details (First Name, Last Name, Email, User Role)
  2. Upload/update the user’s profile image
  3. Reset MFA for the user incase of trouble authenticating to the portal during login
  4. Delete a user
  5. Resend the invitation for invited users who haven't accepted the invitation yet

Activity History

Displays information about the activities performed on the user details. Activity history can be exported in CSV format.

Deleting User Information

To delete user(s) from your organization:

  1.  Select the user(s) you want to delete.
  2. Click on the Delete button and confirm the deletion.
User can also be deleted from the User Info tray.

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