Using Lenovo Device Manager Dashboard

Using Lenovo Device Manager Dashboard

Dashboard is the home page for Lenovo Device Manager and offers an at-a-glance overview of the devices in your organization. The Dashboard consists of several widgets, where each widget represents different device management categories. Clicking on metrics displayed on a chart will navigate the user to the corresponding detail pages throughout the portal. This data is updated throughout the day. You can manually refresh the data by clicking the Refresh button at the top right of the dashboard.

Dashboard Widgets

Total Devices

Displays the total count of devices claimed on Lenovo Client Remote Management with the licensing status. Clicking on the graph will automatically navigate you to the Device list, filtered by the license status selected, Licensed or Unlicensed.

License Type

Displays all available licenses across the organization.

Device Connectivity

Displays device connectivity status, highlighting devices that are currently online or offline. Unavailable devices are the ones that have not yet been fully claimed on LDM. For more information read Managing Devices in Lenovo Device Manager.

Warranty Information

Displays the total number of devices, along with the count of devices for each warranty status. Warranty information displays only for Lenovo devices with Premium licenses. 

Device - Type and Operating System

Displays a breakdown of devices by Device Type and Operating System. Allows you to track the number of each device being managed through LDM.

Windows Hardware Assets

Summarizes the component information for all the monitored devices in an organization.

Current Alerts and Events

Provides information on any issues or hardware changes detected over the last 7 days as of the last data update. Issues are categorized into two tabs: Alerts and Hardware Changes. Each tab name is followed by the total number of corresponding alerts. 
  1. Alerts tab: hovering over a specific type of alert displays the total number of related alerts. Clicking on a specific alert takes you to the affiliated report.
  2. Hardware Changes tab: hovering over a specific type of change displays the total number of related changes. Clicking on a specific change takes you to the affiliated tab on the Hardware Asset Change Report.

Apps and Deployments

Provides an overview of the different app types being managed through LDM as well as number of deployments across devices.

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