Viewing Hardware Asset Changes Report

Viewing Hardware Asset Changes Report

This report offers detailed information on components added, replaced, or removed from UDS registered Windows devices, empowering IT Admins to maintain accurate records of all changes taking place on the devices.
Navigate to Reports > Hardware Asset Changes. There are seven tabs, each dedicated to a specific device component monitored by LDM.

ALL tab

The first tab, labeled All, shows the components that have been added / removed/ replaced from each device. It includes the following information:
  1. Device Name
  2. Device Serial Number
  3. Change Date: this indicates the date when the component was replaced, removed or added to the device.
  4. Asset Type: shows the type of component.
  5. Change Type: there are three types of changes.
    1. Replaced: when the component of a device is replaced.
    2. Added: when a component is added to a device, usually the memory or storage. 
    3. Removed: when a component is removed from a device.
  6. Previous Asset: describes the asset that was replaced or removed
  7. New Asset: describes the new asset
If the device has Intel vPro® functionalities, the tag Intel vPro® (Standard, Enterprise, or Essentials) will be displayed between the Device name and Serial Number columns.

The other tabs: CPU, Motherboard, Memory,  Storage, Monitor, Network Card, display their corresponding information.

Generating and Exporting a Report

You can export the complete list of devices along with their information, by clicking the Export link located in the top right corner of the page. 
Alternatively, you can refine your report by entering the name of a device into the Search box. A .csv file is created and automatically downloaded to your computer.

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