Viewing Warranty Information in Lenovo Devices

Viewing Warranty Information in Lenovo Devices

This feature displays all the organization devices with their warranty status and information. Only Lenovo devices with a Premium license are included. If a device has a Premium license but is not a Lenovo or has never had a warranty, it will not be shown.

Navigate to Device Management > Warranty Information

The first section of this page shows the total number of devices, along with the count of devices for each warranty status. Below this, the list displays all devices with detailed warranty information.

Types of Warranty status

  1. Active: the warranty expiration date is more than 60 days away.
  2. Expiring soon: The warranty expiration date is 60 days away or less.
  3. Expired: the warranty expiration date has already passed the current date.

Filtering the list 
  1. Filtering by Warranty Status: click the small arrow in the left box and select a status from the drop-down list.
  2. Searching by Device Name or Serial Number: enter the appropriate information in the Search box. 
  3. You can also sort the list: click the label of any column.
Device warranty information is also available on the device tray. 

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