Using System Inventory Management

Using System Inventory Management

System Inventory Management provides IT Admins with a clear and comprehensive view of the BIOS versions currently deployed across their organization's devices. If an upgrade is necessary, a quick report can be generated to facilitate scheduling the change. 
Navigate to Device Management > System Inventory Management. This page provides a summary of BIOS information for each monitored Windows and Linux device in the organization. The information includes all available BIOS versions along with their respective release dates.
Clicking on a row displays a list of devices with the same BIOS version. You can also export a report using the steps explained below.

Applying Filters

Click on the column headers to sort the information.
Use the search boxes to filter the information.

Exporting Reports

1. Click on the Export button on the top right corner of the page to generate a .CSV file. 
2. In the pop-up window, click the Export button.
3. Click the Notifications icon 
4. Click Download report to download the file.

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