Putting to Sleep an Intel vPro® Device

Putting to Sleep an Intel vPro® Device

This feature offers the ability to put an Intel vPro®device to sleep and wake it up manually, or to schedule an alarm clock to have the system wake up the device at a specific date and time.  
  1. Click on Device Management > Device List > (Click on the device) > Device Tray. 
  2. Expand the Intel vPro® Essentials section.
To put a device to sleep:
  1. Click the Sleep icon.
  2. Click Proceed. The device is put to sleep.
  3. To wake it up, click Wake up.
To schedule an alarm clock:
  1. Click the Sleep icon.
  2. The confirmation pop-up screen displays option Schedule an Alarm Clock to Wake up the Device. Check the box.
  3. Set the Date and Time.
  4. Click Proceed.
A message displays the date and time of the alarm that was created, and a tooltip shows the status as In Progress. The creation of the alarm takes a few seconds. Once the alarm is On, the status changes from Powered On to Sleep, and the device is put to sleep until the scheduled date and time.

When the alarm scheduled time is reached, the device wakes up and the status changes from Sleep to Powered On. The alarm information will no longer be visible in the Remote Power Management section.

The time set will consider the Device’s time zone. You can find the device time zone information under the Details section.

This feature is only available for Intel vPro devices with AMT v11.8 and above.

To cancel the alarm:
  1. Click the Cancel Alarm button or click the Wake Up button.
  2. Click Proceed. 
A tooltip displays a message indicating that the alarm clock is being deleted. This procedure takes some time. Once the alarm is deleted, the message disappears.

Troubleshooting tips

Q1: What prerequisites are needed for an alarm clock to work?
A1: The system needs power.  Desktop computers need to be plugged in, and laptops need to be connected to AC power if shut off or hibernating.

Q2: To create an alarm clock the device must be online. Should it also have a CIRA connection?
A2: The CIRA connection must be online and running. 

Q3: If the device is disconnected from the Internet, will the alarm clock still work? 
A3: The alarm is set on the device itself.  Even if the device is disconnected from the Internet, it will still work. This is the intended behavior.

Q4: If the device is not connected to power at alarm clock time, the device will not wake up. Should it wake up if it is connected to power a few minutes later? 
A4: This is the expected behavior.  For laptops, AMT does not run when the system hibernates is or powered off and is not connected to AC power.

Q5: Is there something that can negatively affect the scheduled alarm clock when the device is online?
A5: If the device is already powered on when the alarm is set to trigger there should be no negative effect.

Q6: Can an alarm clock be scheduled for a non-Intel vPro® compatible device, even if it has vPro® agent installed on it?
A6: Yes, this feature requires AMT or Intel Standard Manageability on a vPro® platform and requires the management capabilities to be configured/provisioned.

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